What I Believe

I believe that ...

  1. People are tired of fake Christianity and have based their opinions of God on the false advertisement of those who do not really have a biblical relationship with the Lord.
  2. There are a lot of misunderstandings of the Bible due to the vocal opinions of those who never read it for themselves or applied its principles to their lives.
  3. No one fully knows everything there is to know about God.
  4. It is very easy to serve the Lord ... when the heart is right and humble.
  5. Anyone who honestly desires to know more about God will be lead and directed by God's Spirit to someone who is more experienced in living for Him.
  6. The Scriptures are the inpsired words of God (as stated in the Bible).
  7. We are instructed to be obedient to the principles and teaching of the Bible in order to be saved.
  8. Self-study of the Scriptures is right and important, but we still need a pastor in order to maintain our salvation.
  9. Prayer and fasting is neccessary.
  10. You will get more out of understanding the Scriptures, developing a closer relationship with God, and generally live a happier and fulfilled life by being an active and supportive member of your local church assembly.

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