Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Still Reaching for the Promises

Devotional text: Hebrews 6:11-20; 2 Corinthians 1:20; 2 Peter 1:4

Summarizing Thoughts: God's word is full of positive promises for those who remain faithful and obedient. I thank Him for all the promises He has allowed to be written in His word for me to reread at my pleasure and meditate on throughout the day. This year I will also continue to thank Him for the promises He has given to me through prayer and preaching. I may not have seen them come to pass last year, but I will continue to reach for them this year. I pledge my loyalty and devotion to such an awesome God! He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. His promises are yes and true!

Personal Application: In order to see each promise materialize, I must have a consistent prayer life and right relationship with God. It will do me no good to turn my back on Him and then obtain such sweet blessings from a faithful God, only to make my life a mockery of Him. I must stand on what I say I believe by putting feet on my faith. I must be obedient to every command He has given and not pick and choose the one's I want to have apply to me. I must give thanks to Him in both the good times and the bad and trust that He is with me every step of the way. My very life and lifestyle should be a direct reflection of the God I serve. My heartbeat must be so entertwined with His that others will have to go to His word and have a relationship with Him themselves just to understand me. Every word I speak should be truth with no hint of deception. The only places I go and things I choose to do will be places with His approval and activities He wouldn't mind joining.

Prayer Focus:
Order my steps
Guide me with Your word
Faith in Your ability to be God
Patience as You work on my behalf