Tuesday, December 29, 2015

One Step at a Time

Another year is about to wrap up! Are you ready? I'm not sure yet myself. I mean, how do you get ready for a new year? What makes the last day of this year different from the first day of next year?

The difference is in the step I choose to take that day.

I've made resolutions for many years. Made promises that I failed to keep the very next day. Good intentions stifled and neglected by life and all its concerns. This new year, I want to really make a difference in myself, my choices, and my perception of life. I want to make each day count. Be an inspiration. Be a friend. Make wise choices. Give cheerfully. Help selflessly.

Notice I did not use the word "better" in my descriptions. Doing so would only add pressure to be what I wasn't the year before. I want to focus more on making each daily decision unrelated to the previous year or the day before. I want to see each new day as a clean slate. An opportunity to succeed. Not because I failed to be my best the day before, but because this new day comes with God's new mercies. A brand new opportunity full of His grace! Regardless of the days shortcomings, I can face the new day with new choices and new outcomes.

If I do this each day, I will become that better person I wanted to be all along. I will also show consistency in my decisions. Walking with God is a day-to-day relationship. Go ahead and make that first step! When you wake up, make that choice to say a few words in prayer. Not saying, "I'm going to pray this morning." But actually doing it without making plans to do so. If you see a stranger in need, don't tell yourself you should go over and help them. Put some action into your intentions. There's no telling what new doors may open for you in the new year, simply by taking a step in the right direction, without hesitation, and full of faith.