Yes, it's hard to enjoy that moment when problems and pressures of life are weighing heavily on the mind. Silence tends to magnify the stress as thoughts race around and the heart feels the burden of our emotions. Yet, through it all, God is still faithful! I am alive, in my right mind, with the full function of my body. I am not starving. I may not have all my bill money, but at least the utilities are still on and the creditor has not repossessed any belongings! I must glory in today and give thanks for the blessings given me at this moment.
I find that I tend to stress when I think of the "what-ifs". What-ifs refer to the future and we are instructed to focus on today. Tomorrow is not promised (James 4:13-16)! Plus, today is hard enough, why spend precious time stressing about what has not happened when we can make positive changes today (Matthew 6:34). Even when we think tomorrow will be better, the Word warns to not boast in tomorrow, because things can change quickly (Proverbs 27:1).
What would happen if I put all my faith and trust in God to handle today's situations? What could I accomplish? How would my health and appearence be affected? What peace and joy I could have! When there's nothing else I could do to change my situation, and I have whole-heartedly poured out my anquish to the Lord, I must simply trust that the Lord is fully capable of being God! He is my all-in-all. Everything I need. He knows where I am and what I'm facing. He has everything in control. Because He is God!