Another year is about to wrap up! Are you ready? I'm not sure yet myself. I mean, how do you get ready for a new year? What makes the last day of this year different from the first day of next year?
The difference is in the step I choose to take that day.
I've made resolutions for many years. Made promises that I failed to keep the very next day. Good intentions stifled and neglected by life and all its concerns. This new year, I want to really make a difference in myself, my choices, and my perception of life. I want to make each day count. Be an inspiration. Be a friend. Make wise choices. Give cheerfully. Help selflessly.
Notice I did not use the word "better" in my descriptions. Doing so would only add pressure to be what I wasn't the year before. I want to focus more on making each daily decision unrelated to the previous year or the day before. I want to see each new day as a clean slate. An opportunity to succeed. Not because I failed to be my best the day before, but because this new day comes with God's new mercies. A brand new opportunity full of His grace! Regardless of the days shortcomings, I can face the new day with new choices and new outcomes.
If I do this each day, I will become that better person I wanted to be all along. I will also show consistency in my decisions. Walking with God is a day-to-day relationship. Go ahead and make that first step! When you wake up, make that choice to say a few words in prayer. Not saying, "I'm going to pray this morning." But actually doing it without making plans to do so. If you see a stranger in need, don't tell yourself you should go over and help them. Put some action into your intentions. There's no telling what new doors may open for you in the new year, simply by taking a step in the right direction, without hesitation, and full of faith.
Morsels of Merry
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Better, Different and Motivated ... More than Yesterday

It is my goal to be mature. Mature enough to spend quality time speaking with the Lord. Mature enough to balance my time so that I am ready and available to be used by Him when He calls. Mature enough to not whine about stressful situations, but confidently take them to the Lord in prayer. Mature enough to recognize I don't have all the answers and seek guidance from my pastor, the Bible, and those in authority in my life. Mature enough to not spend every second focused on me, but taking time to see the needs of others, both physical and spiritual. Yes, I intend to be mature on this new day.
Each time I have entered the church, I purposed to leave differently. Better. More courageous. Humble. Obedient. Faithful. Compassionate. God, too, has purposed that each person who enters His presence leave differently than how he or she first came. He gave instruction in Ezekiel 46:9 that the people entering the tabernacle to worship should not leave the tabernacle by using the same gate they entered from. The instruction was to keep straight ahead and use the opposite gate in front of them. In the same fashion, when we enter the sanctuary to worship, we too have an encounter with a life-changing Savior who expects us to walk straight ahead in our transformation, not turning back to our old ways, but moving forward in our new commitments to God. With this resolve we will leave the sanctuary a different person. Better than the day before.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Peace is a Wonderful Thing!
You know that moment when everything is still, pleasant ... peaceful? Maybe that moment is experienced early in the morning before others awake. A quiet spot in a secluded location. Even the back porch in a favorite spot. Whenever and wherever it is, that moment of solitude is like a good night's sleep.
Yes, it's hard to enjoy that moment when problems and pressures of life are weighing heavily on the mind. Silence tends to magnify the stress as thoughts race around and the heart feels the burden of our emotions. Yet, through it all, God is still faithful! I am alive, in my right mind, with the full function of my body. I am not starving. I may not have all my bill money, but at least the utilities are still on and the creditor has not repossessed any belongings! I must glory in today and give thanks for the blessings given me at this moment.
I find that I tend to stress when I think of the "what-ifs". What-ifs refer to the future and we are instructed to focus on today. Tomorrow is not promised (James 4:13-16)! Plus, today is hard enough, why spend precious time stressing about what has not happened when we can make positive changes today (Matthew 6:34). Even when we think tomorrow will be better, the Word warns to not boast in tomorrow, because things can change quickly (Proverbs 27:1).
What would happen if I put all my faith and trust in God to handle today's situations? What could I accomplish? How would my health and appearence be affected? What peace and joy I could have! When there's nothing else I could do to change my situation, and I have whole-heartedly poured out my anquish to the Lord, I must simply trust that the Lord is fully capable of being God! He is my all-in-all. Everything I need. He knows where I am and what I'm facing. He has everything in control. Because He is God!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
The 40-Day New Testament Challenge by Margaret Feinberg
Beginning January 4th I will start the 40-Day New Testament Challenge reading plan via You Version! The plan is to do this plan 2-3 times this year, as well as incorporate an Old Testament reading plan later in the year. Time to get serious about knowing His Word. Happy Reading!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Still Reaching for the Promises
Devotional text: Hebrews 6:11-20; 2 Corinthians 1:20; 2 Peter 1:4
Summarizing Thoughts: God's word is full of positive promises for those who remain faithful and obedient. I thank Him for all the promises He has allowed to be written in His word for me to reread at my pleasure and meditate on throughout the day. This year I will also continue to thank Him for the promises He has given to me through prayer and preaching. I may not have seen them come to pass last year, but I will continue to reach for them this year. I pledge my loyalty and devotion to such an awesome God! He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. His promises are yes and true!
Personal Application: In order to see each promise materialize, I must have a consistent prayer life and right relationship with God. It will do me no good to turn my back on Him and then obtain such sweet blessings from a faithful God, only to make my life a mockery of Him. I must stand on what I say I believe by putting feet on my faith. I must be obedient to every command He has given and not pick and choose the one's I want to have apply to me. I must give thanks to Him in both the good times and the bad and trust that He is with me every step of the way. My very life and lifestyle should be a direct reflection of the God I serve. My heartbeat must be so entertwined with His that others will have to go to His word and have a relationship with Him themselves just to understand me. Every word I speak should be truth with no hint of deception. The only places I go and things I choose to do will be places with His approval and activities He wouldn't mind joining.
Prayer Focus:
Order my steps
Guide me with Your word
Faith in Your ability to be God
Patience as You work on my behalf
Order my steps
Guide me with Your word
Faith in Your ability to be God
Patience as You work on my behalf
Monday, June 11, 2012
Surround Me Oh Lord
Summarizing Thoughts:
The Lord is aware when people come against me and attack me physically, verbally and/or emotionally in an attempt to kill my spirit, destroy my reputation and cause me to question my relationship with God. They may even deny God's power to protect me and discourage any attempts to daily make progress in my walk with God. But the Lord is my shield and His power, authority and influence circles me on all sides - meaning my ears are protected from the harsh words and criticisms of others, my heart is protected from becoming overwhelmed with all forces of negativity, my feet are protected from obstacles that may try to trip me up, my hands are kept from reaching out to other sources of help that will not be as successful, my mouth is guarded from speaking evil to those who attack me or speaking doubts when I am afraid, my eyes are guarded from seeing fully the scale of attack that is set up against me and every trial I will have to face, and my mind is safe and assured of God's peace and grace to sustain me through the trial.
The Lord is aware when people come against me and attack me physically, verbally and/or emotionally in an attempt to kill my spirit, destroy my reputation and cause me to question my relationship with God. They may even deny God's power to protect me and discourage any attempts to daily make progress in my walk with God. But the Lord is my shield and His power, authority and influence circles me on all sides - meaning my ears are protected from the harsh words and criticisms of others, my heart is protected from becoming overwhelmed with all forces of negativity, my feet are protected from obstacles that may try to trip me up, my hands are kept from reaching out to other sources of help that will not be as successful, my mouth is guarded from speaking evil to those who attack me or speaking doubts when I am afraid, my eyes are guarded from seeing fully the scale of attack that is set up against me and every trial I will have to face, and my mind is safe and assured of God's peace and grace to sustain me through the trial.
The Lord is my glory - the highest treasure I own, my honor and greatest achievement I can obtain! It is He who keeps my head raised high above my problems, positioning my face to only look up at Him, the source of my help. I can cry out to him in my pain and distress and He actually hears me and answers me. This gives me courage and comfort to know that He has heard my cry and is fully aware of those things that concern me. Since He has everything under control, I do the only thing left to do - I go to sleep and get the rest I need for the next day - He has it from here! The light of the new day doesn't bring me stress. I awake fully refreshed, basking in the peace of God! The grace He extended the day before continues to sustain me!
There is no need to stress about the problems and situations that seem to surround me because God still surrounds me. In the midst of my turmoil, Lord, stand tall! Show that you are bigger than all the chaos around me. Bring me through it all with victory! It is the Lord who has insulted the critics around me and put them to shame. In their humiliation, they are without words - words to criticize, discourage, ridicule or mock me. They are completely embarrassed and exposed! Victory belongs to You, Lord! Bless all who bare Your name with this same provision of grace!
Personal Application: It is never a good feeling to have someone ridicule me for trusting in the Lord. When I am the most discouraged I should take my concerns to the Lord. He already knows them anyway, but He might just want me to take the time to share them with him - just like a child who shares a concern with a loving parent who is already aware of the conflicts. He knows how to handle every situation and even knows the hearts and intents of my attackers. My only job is to trust in His ability and wisdom. When I go to Him in prayer about a situation I should leave it alone from that point forward. I should be able to go about my day as if there wasn't a problem because I trust He is working it out for me! Others who are aware of my situation will be watching and I want my life to be a testimony of God's good graces to those who love and serve Him.
Prayer Focus:
Faith that God hears me when I pray.
Guard my mouth, heart and mind.
Respond in a Christian manner to my attackers.
Offer praise to God no matter my circumstance.
Practice a hands-off policy when I turn something over to God.
Faith that God hears me when I pray.
Guard my mouth, heart and mind.
Respond in a Christian manner to my attackers.
Offer praise to God no matter my circumstance.
Practice a hands-off policy when I turn something over to God.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
To Be Known by God
Summarizing Thoughts:
The Lord didn't just glance over me, but He has thoroughly and painstakingly considered me. He is fully aware of every action I take and even knows what my thoughts are going to be before they are even developed in my mind. My God never rests, but watches over me both day and night. Not one of my actions are hidden from Him. Before I can even express in words how I feel or what I think, He knows all about it!
The Lord didn't just glance over me, but He has thoroughly and painstakingly considered me. He is fully aware of every action I take and even knows what my thoughts are going to be before they are even developed in my mind. My God never rests, but watches over me both day and night. Not one of my actions are hidden from Him. Before I can even express in words how I feel or what I think, He knows all about it!
I can't hide from Him because he is everywhere. No matter what my situation, I am comforted because Your hand is on me. There is no way I can fully understand Your ways or how You operate. My mind just can't grasp it! There is nowhere in the world I can run to escape Your power, influence or watchful eye. The darkness is not even too dark for You because you created it and can see perfectly well through the darkest of circumstances.
You created me, too. Science can't fully explain the miracle of how you have created me inside my mother's body. It only takes one look around and my very soul becomes aware that it had to be Your hands that put into existence such wonders as human life with all its complexities. Every day of my life has already been recorded by you before I was even born!
Lord, I wish evil people who take pleasure in killing those who love you would have their lives ended by Your hands. They only spread evil and hate and when they mention Your name it's only tied to cursing. Is it only right that I hate their intents? Is it only right that my heart should hate those who hate You and make themselves Your enemies? I will admit that I hate them and that they are also my enemies!
But Lord, search me and know the way I think. Test my heart and intent. Know every thought that crosses my mind. If you see that I am wrong, correct me and place my life, every step I take, on that path You determine is correct and represents You.
Personal Application: I must be careful how I think, where I go, what I do and what I say because God is always aware! I can't hide from Him! I shouldn't be afraid to be corrected by Him because He loves me and only wants what is right for me. Just like David was honest in his thoughts and expressions to God about hating evil people, I too should be honest in my prayers. He already knows my thoughts anyway! No need to sugar coat them or lie to Him about how I feel. He will address my prayers and show me the error of my heart. I know He will point me back to His word and remind me of the grace He extended to me.
Prayer Focus:
Help me to acknowledge You in everything.
Remind me that You already know my thoughts and needs.
Humbleness when You correct me.
Honesty in my conversations with You.
Help me to acknowledge You in everything.
Remind me that You already know my thoughts and needs.
Humbleness when You correct me.
Honesty in my conversations with You.
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